Shay is a local filmmaker and Special Effects makeup person. In our interview, we talk about all kinds of fun stuff including how she got to where she is, how to get into special effects makeup, how we should appreciate filmmaking , and she has some GREAT stories to share about making films. She had me laughing through most of the interview.
Shay Francis Bio
As a child Shaynelle Francis found her passion for show business through her love of movies, theater, and music. The idea of stepping outside of reality and entering into the world of creativity and imagination fascinates her. Shaynelle’s first moment performing on stage was at the age of eight when she began studying music as a clarinetist and vocalist. Soon to follow that was her first stage play at the age of nine. It became clear in these moments that show business was for her. The past 18 years were spent dedicating her life to learning and experiencing what it takes to not only perform, but to also create and lead productions for audiences to enjoy. At the age of twenty-three, Shaynelle took a huge leap and moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Having nothing more than what her 1993 Toyota Camry could hold and $300 in her pocket. Living with her wonderful best friend and her mom for a few months, she began to pave the stepping stones to what would be the most challenging and rewarding journey yet. Now, at the age of 27, Shaynelle has more than 50 productions under her belt and has no plans of stopping this journey. She wants to add the element of teaching to those who want to know what it’s like to be involved in the world of show business.