In our interview with Todd, we talk about the importance of networking, marketing for the indie filmmaker, and we talk about his first feature film “BatShit”, among a bunch of other things…
Filmmakers 412 Q&A
1. I have lived in Pittsburgh my whole life, born and raised!
2. I am mainly a Screen Writer and Producer of all my films, but I just bought my 1st camera a Canon Rebel and I plan on being the DP and filming a short film hopefully this summer. I’m also an “actor” and use that term loosely, I mainly just show up in my films randomly with very small dialogue. I also have learned how to use some lighting and I have been a sound operator.
3. Since 2015 I have made 5 short films, and in 2018 started my 1st feature film “Batshit” which is currently in post-production so a total of 6 films. I made one 48 Hour Horror film for the Oaks 48 Hour Film Festival. I also have been working with Shadowframe Productions on a few of there 48 Hour films since 2015, in fact, that’s how I got my start into film making. I also want to mention that I have been working on a graphic novel called “Demon Prose: Warlocks of Rozlyn” collaborating with another artist who draws most of my companies designs including the Just Buried Productions Logo.
4. My first short film “8-Bit Blood Bath” won Best Musical Score from the Vault of Horror Film Festival in Stanton Island, NY in 2018. The trailer for my first feature film “Batshit” won Best Trailer at the Pittsburgh Uncut Film Festival in 2018. And even though my short film “Sponge” never won any awards it was the most popular and highly praised, as it made Semi-Finalist at the LA Film Festival in 2017. “Sponge” also made it overseas at the Milton-Keynes Film Festival in London. Ever since “Sponge” screened at the Vault of Horror Film Festival in NY and has received high praise and many people were screaming “SPONGE!”
5. I have been making films since 2015, but I have been a student of the film my whole life with my film collection being my homework.

6. All of my films with the exception of “Batshit” which is currently in post-production can all be found on our Just Buried Productions Youtube page.
Just Buried Productions Youtube-
7. You can reach us at our Email address, on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.
Email Address- Justburiedproductions@gmail.comFacebook-
Todd “Killer” Wolfson is a Writer, Director, and Horror Avenger who was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA.
Todd grew up heavily inspired by Horror, Science Fiction, Dark Comedies, 1980’s cinema, Kung Fu/Martial Arts, Grind-house, and Creature Features from the 1950s &1960s. He also drew a lot of inspiration from directors and artists like Kevin Smith, John Carpenter, Sam Raimi, Stephen King, Tim Burton, and Wes Craven to name a few.
At a young age, Todd found his craft and passion for creative writing and storytelling from watching many films and listening to some of his favorite musicians. In 2015, he started his own production company Just Buried Productions and made his first short film “8-Bit Blood Bath”. One year later he also made a fun Grindhouse-style trailer called “Sponge” which was selected into many film festivals in California, New York, and in the UK. Todd’s first feature film “Batshit” is currently in post-production.